Thursday, May 25, 2006

Taxi Drivers say the Funniest Things

Sounds like it could be the makings of a Saturday afternoon light entertainment TV show? Taxidrivers are great. They absorb so much info from their passengers and the media they are exposed to more than most. I'd suggest this does make them rather prone to accepting pseudoscience and becoming pedallers of urban myth.

I heard a great one this morning. Talking about his choice of the TomTom navigation system I was informed that they are the only vendor to actually have their own dedicated network of satellites. I didn't know this. Furthermore, with no sense of irony he explained how if we went to war with the US and they were to turn off our access to GPS, his TomTom would still work fine. I felt it was reassuring I could still get a cab as the Cruise missiles rained in.

I chose not to dispel his illusion. So far as I know, the European Galileo Programme (which I presume he got his wires crossed over) isn't going to be live until 2010 with its constellation of positioning satellites.

Someone tell them I've found the man to do their marketing.

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