Monday, August 07, 2006

What will Foo Camp deliver this year?

Last year Foo Camp, the invitation-only geek ideas-fest, caused a bit of a stir by not inviting one or two folks who felt they were a shoe in. They went on to found an alternative event... Bar Camp.

So, with Foo Camp set to kick off, what will happen this year? As always, this is a low key event- not needing to market itself to draw a crowd. However, this means that in the build up, you see many a technologist lamenting the lack of an invite. Is this deliberate on the part of the organiser, Tim O'Reilly? Does he have his finger on the pulse? Has he got it wrong? Does he turn over the invitees to keep things fresh?

Who knows? Well, I will have to ask one of those who has been invited how it went (and how he got on with the tent).

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