Friday, February 24, 2006

I can hold back no longer…

Justgiving.comOk, I’ve had this blog for a whole week today. There’ll be a ‘weekaversary’ party at ClickTowers tonight as a warm up for the big one tomorrow. In the whole of those 7 days, I’ve not yet mentioned the best website out there- Justgiving. I must admit to a vested interest, but take a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

Raise money for charity, sponsor a friend, donate to thousands of charities and let the technology reclaim the GiftAid. I could go on, but I’m wasting your time.

What are you still doing reading this? Go! You should be here.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Bless your heart Rich...glad to know you still love us!

- EAK at JG